Friday, 26 December 2014

The cosmetic dentistry to improve the smile

Donating a healthy smile is the goal of aesthetics dental branch of medicine that provides in addition to a healthy mouth also a bright smile, thanks to cleaning and corrective methods specifically designed to correct any defect in appearance. Before resorting to technical correction is necessary to begin by cleaning techniques, from manual to run every day after meals, to medical to do the dentist with lasers to remove plaque and remove tartar. Only later will the correction techniques, used to improve the smile and carried out according to the problem: these include the gum surgery, porcelain veneers, orthodontic appliance, and numerous solutions to whiten teeth solve with the help of good dentists for dental prostheses in Turin and other cities.

Gum surgery to improve the smile
Sometimes a smile is penalized by small defects that seem unsolvable, but now find solutions thanks to modern methods. The gum surgery solves those defects in the gums that do appear in the pink part smile more than they should, hiding part of the tooth. The intervention is to restore the right proportions between the gum and tooth and then create a harmony in the smile making visible the white part.

Porcelain veneers incredible to illuminate the face
Porcelain veneers are a very popular solution especially among celebrities, who usually have perfect white teeth. The dental veneers are a thin ceramic shell that is placed on the surface of the teeth: the imperfection, which is given by the color, the shape or position of the tooth is soon corrected. The effect is amazing and immediate, and is the ideal solution for those who are not fully satisfied with their teeth. The veneers are very durable and have long life, but it is important to remember that after a certain period of time to be changed approximately every ten years.

Fashion whitening DIY
And 'soaring fashion bleaching DIY fact today many resort to home remedies or toothpastes details or the "strips", or adhesive strips, quite affordable especially for the cost, but it is better in any case seek treatment of good dentists in Turin as Roma.

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Thursday, 18 December 2014

Dental Implants Replace

Dental implants can really take the aging nowadays the horror. The nightmare of losing one day by one, all teeth and ending up as old woman with clattering teeth has faded completely for me, since I know what can cause dental implants for miracles. For a long time I thought, that you establish a dental implant only replace a single tooth that can not be replaced by a crown. When my father last year, however, began to be gradually replace almost all his teeth with dental implants, I have discovered the opportunities that arise from such a dental implant.
Before my father discovered the dental implant for himself, he has had major problems with his teeth for years. He then opted for dental implants because the crowns on teeth compared to the dental implant are a quite harmful thing. Because with a crown the neighboring teeth are always affected, which is not the case with a dental implant.

My father told me that dental implants even have a very positive impact on the remaining teeth. Dental implants provide namely that stabilizes the bone. Because a dental implant is yes anchored by artificial roots firmly in the bone, dental implants can stop the bone loss that is unstoppable in bite-makers. 

Thus, dental implants so have a preventive effect. Therefore, a dental implant always pays off, even if a dental implant course a bit expensive and complex than for example a crown. The setting of dental implants has my father gone through without complaint - so sure he is that each tooth implant is then make his life easier! For me it is very clear - before I ever wear dentures, I let my dear mouth full set dental implants!

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Wednesday, 17 December 2014

What is Cosmetic Dentistry?

Holes on the spot and dropped the teeth dentures - not absolutely necessary attributes of old age. Dentists United States and Europe set a task by means of preventive treatment to save patients aged 70 years at least 20 "native" teeth. This was made possible thanks to modern technology, allowing not only treat, but also rejuvenate your teeth while preserving their fortress and beauty. This is the purpose cosmetic dentistry Kiev. 

As an art dentistry began its existence in the mid-80s, when they started to be used svetopolimeriziruyuschiesya materials. Influencing a special light beam, dentists achieve their instant freezing, so the doctor is able to correct the defects of varying degrees of complexity. 

It is worth noting that innovative materials in modern dentistry Kiev differ incredible strength.

This allows you to easily reconstruct the broken off part of the front of the tooth, without fear that the patient will lose it again, biting solid. Guarantee a similar seal to 3 years, although it usually lasts about 10. 

Why do we need cosmetic dentistry Kiev?
Cosmetic or aesthetic dentistry kiev uses technology finds most dental disciplines. Modern cosmetic dentistry Kiev allows you to:
Correct malocclusion of teeth.
Correct bite.
Mask the gap between the teeth.
Remove gaps between teeth.
Whiten teeth.
Stoned teeth to improve their color and shape. 

The main objective of cosmetic dentistry is to make beautiful teeth. With bad teeth are not only psychological problems, because of which a man tries to once again not to smile, but also the difficulties of speech, violation of facial expressions, diction, and as a result - wrinkles, formed when the teeth are constantly cover lip.

A separate section of aesthetic dentistry is color matching seals for cosmetic procedures direction prosthetics.

Only the selection of color does not guarantee that the tooth will look natural. A good professional should take into account the opacity (transparency or causing a dreamy tooth). To create the perfect effect, the material should be applied in layers. Perfect work can be considered recreated enamel that reflects sunlight as well as neighboring enamel, "native" of the tooth.

Exclusively selected color under natural light. Manufacturers of materials applied to the colors scale materials with which the dentist selects the appropriate tone for each patient. 

The main rule of cosmetic dentistry Kiev says - the patient must leave the room with a dazzling and attractive smile!

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